+31 (0)180 234 030
As a result of his or her training, experience, and education, the Marine Chemist is uniquely qualified as a specialist in confined space safety and atmospheric sampling or monitoring.
According to the dutch law, the maintenance, rebuilding, repair and demolishing of tanker vessel can only be carried out after an examination of the certified marine chemist.
- Performing daily gas free inspections checks to ensure continuing
- Gasfree checks enabling tanker vessels to take berth outside
petroleum- or oil ports;
- Gasfree checks of bunkertanks on board vessels for repairs;
- Gasfree checks of Combination Carriers before discharging of bulk
- Gasfree checks of tanker vessel i.c.w. change of cargo;
- Gasfree checks of confined spaces (maritime and industrial);
- Course gas testing and instructions in the use of gas measuring
- Course legislation safety tanker vessel and dangerous goods;
- Course confined spaces;
- Safety supervision during the transhipment of dangerous goods;
- Low Oxygen measurements (GPR-1200 ATEX Portable PPM Oxygen
- Dewpoint analyses (Alpha/Shaw model SADPμ).
GIN B.V. Independent, professional ‘Marine chemists’.
Without doubt, we are carefully involved with the safety and health of your employees and your possessions.